Mandalas in the Making

Some of the most popular Staccarto products are our mandalas created by artist Uritan. Today we are going to explore Uritan’s process for creating mandalas and getting inspiration.

All of the Uritan mandalas in our online store originated as hand-drawn art inspired by aspects of life and nature. The Butterfly Mandalas were inspired by six common butterflies from all over the world. We have previously written on this blog about the butterflies themselves. Click here to learn a bit about Green Malachite Butterflies.

Today we wanted to talk about the process each mandala passes through, from inspiration, to drafts & finally the printed mandalas that are available in our online store. Once drawn and colored by hand, Urtitan carefully took pictures of each piece & sent the images to our studio in California for some light editing.

Mounted print product example

The final step in creating mandalas is printing each one onto the adhesive fabric which allows for the prints to be stuck to any wall or smooth surface. From hand-drawn to art on a wall in a studio or office, these mandalas are friendly reminders to surround ourselves with beauty. All six of the butterfly mandalas are available for sale in our online shop.

Check out our Instagram to see more Butterfly and Mandala Artwork!