Finding Inspiration

Please welcome Jana, the newest featured contributor of the Staccarto team. Jana has been helping us spruce up our website and Instagram. She is also creating a Pinterest page where we will be sharing all our latest products as well as interior design inspiration.

But most importantly, she’s my daughter and Chloe’s younger sister. Check out our Team Bios on the About page to learn how the three of us were able to turn our creative strengths into the business that is Staccarto.

I have taken this time to channel my interior design inspiration towards decorating the Staccarto studio. I’ve also been working on innovative ways to create new art that I can’t wait to unveil.

Uritan and Chloe have been working on a collection of butterfly mandalas.

Growing up in Sacramento, Chloe saw the Western Monarch butterfly passing through in early spring. Unfortunately, the Western Monarch population has dropped drastically in the past twenty years. Please visit if you are interested in finding out more and to see what you can do to support the monarch population.

Staccarto has encouraged all of us to keep creating and finding the beauty in the nature surrounding us. Instead of letting uneasiness and anxiety about the future plague us, we choose to focus on creating new art for you to enjoy. We can’t wait to share all our new products with you and hope that you are finding inspiration in these challenging times.