Mandalas in Kids Rooms

flower design wall stickers

Recently we visited friends and clients of Staccarto to see how they used our flower design wall stickers in their little girls’ bedroom. We were delighted to see how well the Lunita & Pax mandala set matched their room décor.

flower design wall stickers-above girls bed

This Lunita & Paz mandala set is printed on adhesive material that is perfect for kid’s bedrooms. These decals can take bumping and rubbing that can occur around kids beds. They are also truly repositionable so you can move them if you change your mind about where they are placed.

Anyone with kids, or anyone who remembers being one, will know their tastes and interests change. Luckily these flower design wall stickers are removable and won’t damage your wall when taken down, even years later.

flower design wall stickers-close up center

This Lunita & Paz Mandala is available now. Visit our online store to see more mandalas and prints.

For decorating idea and inspiration check out our Pinterest