Mandala Inspiration: An interview with Uritan

Recently we were able to interview Uritan, an Argentine artist who creates beautiful mandala artwork for Staccarto.

Q: When did you draw your first mandala? What inspired you?
A: Several years ago, when I was traveling in Brazil and living in the Amazons I drew my first mandala. I had never heard the word mandala before or knew what they were. The first mandala I saw was in the jungle, in nature.
After that point I began drawing mandalas inspired by plants and animals to give away as gifts to people I met along the way and left them in farms and the places I worked.

Q: So the mandalas were mostly gifts? Did you keep any of the mandalas you made while traveling?
A: I kept some, but mostly I have pictures, here is one of a mandala mural I painted on a composting toilet in a permaculture project in El Salvador, Central America.

To see more work from our favorite Argentine artist, following Uritan on Instagram!